Logan - Grade 3. Possible autism spectrum and has anxiety. Matched Logan with Pocket pond app for
anxiety – he searched out app by himself to calm down after only briefly being introduced to it. Matched Logan with Pic Collage app for work – able
to demonstrate what he knew.
J - Oppositional, uncommunicative and moody, limited social
skills, aggressive with peers and adults, flight risk. Spatial Non-textual
Apps: Unblock Me, Rush Hour, Busy Harbour. Visual apps: pic collage, book
creator, photo booth, Frog dissection.
Justin - 10 years old. ADHD. Borderline range in almost all
areas. Iwk behaviour program. Has anxiety and displays out of control behaviour at home and on
playground. Behaviour is fine in the classroom. Matched Justin with an Asus tablet. Used the Whiteboard app and he used his finger to
learn to spell his full name and phone number. Sight Word Handwriting Without Tears k,
1, 2 apps.
Ben - Grade 5
student. Emotionally immature. Cried easily, disorganized. Reluctant to
previous technologies. Has an LD. Used iPad text to speech, Copy and paste information from internet searches to Pages. Used Dragon
dictation and Typ-o as well.
T - 5 year old boy. No known learning difficulties. Will start school in September. Used ABC Tracing, Sound Sorting Beginning
Sounds, ABC Magic 2. He was very motivated to work with iPad as opposed to
C - 13 year old girl, grade 7. Insecure about work. Possible
dyslexia. Very pleasant. Struggles in reading, writing, and some math. She will
accept help in math, but not LA. Possible LD. ADD - Inattentive. Used Dragon Dictation app which helped with detail in her writing.
R - 18 year old grade 12 student. Task completion a big
issue. Lack of motivation and self-esteem. Inspiration app for research essay.
Came up with good inspiration road map for beginning of research essay.
8 year old boy - Has autism and poor social skills. Level A books.
Working on counting to 5. Used ABC PocketPhonics, Book Creator, Tell Me About It, Bingo, Visual Timer. Trained EPA on how to use various apps for next year.
Will - 17 years old. Non-verbal autism. He was in elementary
school until age 16 in Alberta. Mother is very involved – attends conferences,
got educated. Highly social with known peers and family members. Loves drawing,
books, movies. Book Creator app, Pocket Pond, Jigsaw Puzzles, Disney Jungle Book, My Brushes, Doodle Dandy.
Rex - grade 4 boy. Frustrates easily when tasks require more
than a few minutes concentration. Does not like to sit for long periods. Sit
and Fit cushion does not really work for him. ADHD Inattentive Type. Uses Cowriter, Open Office, Comic Life, Kidspiration, Into the Book, Tumblebooks, Storyline. Hopefully he
will have a laptop for next year.
J - LD in reading, writing and math. Has anxiety and difficulty
with executive functions. Hesitant to use technology in the past. Soshiku was preferred
over Google Calendar. Also used myHomework, Evernote, Egretlist, iHomework.
Grade 7 boy - Functions at 4 1/2 years old. Tiny Eye,
Tumblebooks/Tumblereadables, Smart Board. Pointer for smartboard has him
involved with class. Tiny eye has really been great for him.
Justin - Grade 7 boy. Mild spastic quadriplegic CP. IPP for
LA and Math. Very friendly and compliant. Enjoys reading. Interacts well with
peers. Likes Raz-Kids - teacher selects books to put in each childs file that is at
their reading level. Uses SmartBoard b/c he likes it. Collect points and can buy
things in 'store'.
Ashley - gGade 1 girl. Global developmental delay. Used Toca
Boca and Book Creator. Motivated and engaged, skills developed, independent use,
expressive/receptive language development.
I never heard of Toca Boca so I will definitely be
checking them out.
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